
  • Greeting cards

  • Inspired by nature
  • Greeting cards

  • Inspired by the moon
  • Greeting cards

  • Inspired by Cornwall

Greeting cards

Inspired by nature

Greeting cards

Inspired by the moon

Greeting cards

Inspired by Cornwall

Proudly represented by

Art licensing

Please chat with my lovely agent Hannah Curtis about licensing opportunities.

  • Prints

  • Owl - stone circle
  • Winter goddess

  • Seasonal prints
  • Magical mermaid

  • From land to sea


Owl - stone circle

Winter goddess

Seasonal prints

Magical mermaid

From land to sea

New work


This year I am excited to start working on a series of angels. They won’t be particularly traditional but I want to explore the things that we find the divine in and celebrate that. This is a moon Angel accompanied by a wolf and a hare who are often associated with the moon.

Find me on Faire for wholesale orders of my greeting cards.
