Whale prints coming soon
Humpback whale print
There was a humpback whale sighted off the Cornish coast which inspired this print.
I think whales are amazing creatures! So majestic and otherworldly. I saw one once when I travelled to Tofino on Vancouver island on holiday.
It was an incredible experience. We travelled by a very bouncy boat which made my daughter in turns excited, then sick, then sleepy. We passed a solitary wolf sun bathing on a tree filled island and sea otters that bobbed along on their backs whilst holding hands.
Tracking whales is not the easiest of things to do, even with our experienced guide to show us the signs. We watched and waited and got very excited at the plumes of spray that they got shot into the air signalling their location. And then there is a moment when you see their broad back and their tail fin as they prepare for a deep dive to feed.
It’s the type of moment you want to slow play in your mind and keep tucked away in the ‘precious moments’ files. It didn’t last long enough and the wild promise of Vancouver Island has a magnetic pull on my memories.
The news of the whale travelled through my Facebook newsfeed - friends reporting when and where they had spotted it. I really wanted to see it too and yet despite scouring the coast and meeting someone that had spotted it only five minutes earlier - I was not one of the lucky ones.
The thought was enough to inspire me however and this image poured out of me. Hopefully the whales will return next year and I will be able to see one then - adding another layer of magic to the already enchanting coast line.